A review by nadas
Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell


The first part or two were fun. Towards the half when I realized we weren't gonna get any deeper into linguistics she kinda lost me.

This book is so bloated with anecdotes it might as well be a memoir. While I don't mind anecdotes in nonfiction, if anything I do like them,  this was just annoying after a while and frankly I don't care about all these people she was talking to. Where is the linguistics focusd research?? oh scattered here and there at an extremely surface level but let's spend a whole chapter talking about how she and her friend she thought was more confident than her was "kidnapped" (they were not) by Scientologists. 

I only enjoyed this because I listened to it. I would've probably dnfed after the first 2 parts if I read this physically