A review by faeriesparks
The Diviners by Libba Bray


4.5 stars
The Diviners was such a complex book with amazing and complex characters. All I can think right now is WOW and OMG.

I absolutely loved Evie. She was confident (but not in an annoying way) and strong-minded and clever. I really enjoyed her banter with Sam and (of course) immediately started shipping them. I didn't quite like Jericho in the beginning of the book (more about my thoughts on him in the spoilery bit down below).

While a lot of the religious stuff went right over my head, I still enjoyed the plot and the mystery. And I can't wait to read more about the paranormal aspect in the following books.

Something else that positively stood out to me is that even though there were romance aspects in this book, they didn't overshadow the main plot. The romance was subtle but still enjoyable.

SpoilerEven though I shipped Evie and Sam right from the start I think I may have actually switched ships towards the end. In the last 150 pages or so I started liking Jericho a lot more than in the beginning. And at first I wasn't sure why but then realised it might've been because we see a lot more of his feelings towards the end. In the beginning he seemed very distant and passive so I couldn't really connect to him. But then later on we find out he has feelings for Evie and we start seeing a different side of him and I really liked that.
I was so glad Evie didn't suddenly realise she actually DOES love Jericho but just enjoyed kissing him in that moment. They're so adorable.
I do have a feeling I might keep switching ships though because I do love Sam hahah.