A review by teresajluvs2read
The Protector by Abigail Owen


**I received a copy of The Protector from Entangled Publishing and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review. My opinions are my own and not solicited in any way**

The Protector by Abigail Owens is the fourth book in her Fire's Edge series I've read all of the books in order and highly recommend it as this picks up after The Enforcer ends. This is Lyndi and Levi's story to which I have to say Finally!! These two have been denying they are mates for over 200 years. One confession that I have is that I'm a big fan and LOVE Dragons and appreciate that Ms. Owens can write the battle scenes so that you almost feel like you are there.

Lyndi Chandali knows as a female dragon shifter that she could be used as a political pawn but she's also part of the Huracan's enforcer team as well as a foster parent to the orphaned dragon boys left behind. They will protector her with everything they've been taught with the loyalty and love for her. When both Levi and Lyndi finally get together there will be a lot of sparks but will they be able t0 mate? Plus when a rival clan member decides that Lyndi could be the way into a council position can Levi protect her and the boys against his attack? I love how the boys step up and protect not only Lyndi but the other members of the Huracan team even though one boy seems to be stuck in his dragon form he'll be able to shift when he's needed the most.

There's a lead in to the next book with Rune and his mysterious lady and a surprise for Lyndi and Levi plus updates with Sera, Delaney and Kasia all mates to their dragons. I give a wholeheartedly Five stars to this book.