A review by novelgoddess
Born in Blood by Alexandra Ivy


This was the first Alexandra Ivy book I've read. I have amassed all the books in her "Guardians of Eternity" series...alas they sit gathering dust on my TBR shelf. Having read Born in Blood, they will probably be moving up the list.

I really like Ivy's writing style. The story had a lot going on but it was easy to follow. Another thing she did, that I found unusual from most authors I've read, was that she would cut to the chase. For example there was a point where a character was found, after having been missing for a time, and she was injured...the chapter ended and when we picked back up she was in the hospital...explaining to me how other characters called for transportation and delivery to the hospital wouldn't have advanced the story so it was left out...Ivy stuck to the "meat and potatoes" of the story. If she wrote it, you needed to know it for the story. Can I say that I LOVE this philosophy!!!!

Now for characters...there were many and they were varied. Our hero and heroine were, much like the overall story, deep enough to get us through. Meaning I didn't need to know the name of Duncan's kindergarten teacher. We learned what was relevant, but yet I know there is still plenty out there to learn about Duncan and Callie.

Ivy built a world where there are people with some exceptional abilities and they are segregated in their own little domed area called Valhalla. "Norms" are scared of the "Freaks", but not so scared they won't use them for police work and other areas where the Freaks might be useful, however most norms are extremely prejudiced. Callie and Duncan met long before our story begins because Callie is a necromancer and aids at murder scenes while Duncan is a local homicide detective. Valhalla is home to necromancers, psychics, healers, soul gazers, and sentinels/guardians to name a few.

I'm wondering if Ivy will be focusing each book in the series on different people like her "Guardians of Eternity" series or maybe we will stay with Duncan and Callie...I would prefer the later since I believe they still have some much more territory to explore, plus I really liked them...LOL