A review by betweenlifeandchapters
Pigeon-Blood Red by Ed Duncan


Note: A free copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Pigeon Blood Red by Ed Duncan tells the story of a chase after a stolen Pigeon Blood Red Ruby necklace.
Rico works together with Jerry for a loan shark called Litvak. One day Litvak hands both of them a necklace to transport it. While transporting the necklace they are also transporting one of Litvaks clients who sees a chance to get out of his depth.
He escapes with the necklace to Hawaii and the chase begins.

This first book of a trilogy is a classical crime thriller.
I was intrigued by it considering I read my last thriller in 2015.
I must admit that found the synopsis a bit confusing and this issue also reoccurred throughout the story.

I enjoyed the story a lot. It was fast paced and interesting and I am looking forward to the next two books of this trilogy.
But I hope (and now I come to my problems) that certain things would be fixed.
I personally needed a long time to get into the book. I found the writing approach at some points confusing and didn't really know who did what at what time so that I had to re-read some pages for several times, which disappointed me a bit as it slowed my whole reading down in a story that moves so quick.
And again I needed time to get into it with every part of it as it jumped from here to there from that perspective to that in just a second without introduction.
In addition to that I had some problems to relate to the characters. I was nearly through the whole book when I first noticed I could picture them, so a better descriptions of those is something I wish for in the next book.

Overall I was impressed by the story and the darkness of it. And I rated the book with 3.75 of 5 stars. I definitely feel I would read the second one, but I also hope for improvement. I can't complain about the story, it is solid, it is intriguing, it is fast paced and very unique in most of the points.

Thanks again to Ed Duncan for providing me with a copy of this book.