A review by theliteraryhooker
Letters to the End of Love by Yvette Walker


I don't even know where to begin with this book. I'm speechless. This book is gorgeous beyond words. It's heartbreaking and uplifting and beautiful and cruel and perfect and so, so fantastically flawed all in one. I didn't know I could feel so many emotions over the course of so few pages, but Yvette Walker has turned me into a weeping mess of a human being; after finishing the last chapter, I just sat and cried over the sheer beauty of this little book.

All three of the couples featured in this book are wonderful. They're so human and real that I couldn't help feeling drawn into their relationships, feeling their pain and their love. While I completely adored all three stories, John and David's was the one that really hit me, the one that will stick with me in the months and years to come. John's pain and devotion are expressed so genuinely, so beautifully, that I felt my heart break just a little each time I read one of his letters.

Walker's writing is flawless. She knows exactly which words to string together to form some of the most devastating, wonderful, beautiful writing I've ever had the pleasure of reading. I'm so glad that I happened upon this book and took a chance with it, because it truly is a masterpiece.