A review by emily_loves_2_read
Six Ways to Write a Love Letter by Jackson Pearce, Jackson Pearce


Six Ways to Write a Love Letter
Genre: Romance
Format: Kindle eBook
Author: Jackson Pearce
Date Published: 7/5/22
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Pages: 352
Goodreads Rating: 3.77

TW ⚠️: Cheating

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for providing a digital copy of the book for me to read in exchange for my honest opinion.

Synopsis: Remy Young touring with Vivi Swan means more money than he and his brother could ever earn on their own. And he's smart enough to keep himself far away from drama. Then a bus mix-up forces Remy and Vivi to spend hours together, and he's surprised to discover that she's nothing like the rumors said she'd be. When she asks for his help writing her next song, he's immediately on board—for professional reasons, of course. When Vivi's private life and public facade finally clash, a celebrity gossip blog threatens everything they've created together.

My Thoughts: The story is narrated by Remi, told in his POV. The author’s character development was amazing, they had a depth to them that I was able to connect with, especially Remy. I gravitate towards Rom-Com’s and one of the reasons I picked this book up, however, while it had some cute romantic moments, I think it was more of a romantic drama. The author’s writing was clear, creative, and authentic. I love how Pearce explored the music scene, speficially with the touring aspect and how hard it is on musicians, and then the cost of fame is explored a little. The book explores relationships, not only romantic but also the relationship of the brothers, which was nice to see. This was more of a slow burn, but still a good book overall that I enjoyed.