A review by amiablebookworm
Backpacked: A Reluctant Trip Across Central America by Catherine Ryan Howard


I genuinely enjoyed this book - it's nothing profound, but is an easy, interesting read. I found it as a cheap read in the Kindle store and picked it up because I'm planning a backpacking trip to Central America myself in a few months.

This is the author's second autobiographical book, following on from [b:Mousetrapped: A Year and A Bit in Orlando, Florida|7902458|Mousetrapped A Year and A Bit in Orlando, Florida (Volume 1)|Catherine Ryan Howard|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1279206602s/7902458.jpg|11024000] where she lives in Orlando and works at a Disney World hotel. When her visa runs out she isn't ready to go home, so instead she chooses to join her best friend backpacking through Central America.

I loved the fact that Catherine was not the "backpacking type". She doesn't really have any desire to backpack at all, other than as an excuse to stay away from home and spend time with her best friend. Most backpacking memoirs are written by "seasoned travellers", which seems to refer to people who want to be mistaken for locals wherever they go and refuse to travel with more than a 30 litre backpack. I found it refreshing to read about the experience of someone who enjoys their creature comforts, but is still happy to deal with slightly rougher conditions without too much complaint.

What makes this book so likeable is Catherine's writing style - despite being obviously out of her comfort zone at this point in her life, she knows what she's got herself into and I didn't find her at all whiny or irritating. She could easily have strayed into this territory, but instead I found myself warming to her, even though we are very different.

I found Backpacked particularly interesting because of my current plans, but would still recommend it as a quick read if you are at all interested in reading some stories of budget travel by amateurs. Also if, like me, you like to be a bit nosey and hear about other people's lives.