A review by ameserole
Rogue by Julie Kagawa


Not bad.. not bad.

Rogue definitely didn't suffer the second book syndrome. Not sure why I never moved on from book one in the series but I am really glad that I finally did this time around. I really liked that it started right where the first book ended because lately my brain hasn't been remembering shit lately.

There's still hope that there isn't a love triangle between Riley, Garret, and Ember. Mostly because I hate love triangles and I want no part of it in this series. I mean, I love Riley and Garret. They were lovable and I feel bad that they are sort of fighting over Ember. Ugh, Ember was an annoying twat for the first half of the book. It's weird because I'm pretty sure I didn't dislike her in the first book.. but boy did things change over night for me.

I'm hoping that stays more likable throughout the series because I would hate to hate another MC.