A review by alifromkc1907
Invisible by Pete Hautman


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Gut Instinct Rating - 3
Story Line - 3
Writing Style - 3
Characters - 4
Excitement Factor - 2.5
Believability for type and topics - 3
Similarity to other books - 5
Cover art - 5
Title Relevance - 5

You may like this book if you like the following sub-genres:
YA Fiction
Mental Illness

Everything about this book was average, and there's not much I can say about a book with only 150 pages without ruining the entire book. So I'll briefly expand on my score for each category.

Gut Instinct (3) - This book was boring. It seemingly had no point until the book was basically over. (And even then, I'm not entirely sure what the point was.) I'm being generous in giving this such a high mark.

Characters (4) - The characters in this book are what make the book. I won't say anything more about it. But, Andy was written seamlessly into Doug's life, and Doug was seamlessly written into Andy's. The two don't exist without the other. (Unhealthy as that may be, it's the way it was.)

Believability (3) - Meh. It's believable, sure, but when there's only 150 pages to discuss what's happening, believability takes a back seat... and by back seat, I mean the nosebleeds.

Similarity (5) - I'll give the author this much - it wasn't what I thought it was in the beginning, and it definitely wasn't what I thought it was at the end (maybe I'm oblivious to the entire plot, or maybe the author was just that good).

Writing Style (3) - There was nothing special about the way in which the author wrote. If anything, I found it annoying to have chapters averaging 3 pages. And each chapter had a title, that didn't always mesh well or make any sense to the title itself. I didn't hate it, but there was room for improvement.

Excitement Factor (2.5) - Yeah, it was that boring. As I stated earlier, and without ruining anything, the ending was the most exciting part of this entire book. And that's saying something... yes, yes, I know I've said this already, but it was only 150 pages. I expect jam-packed action. Or at least something that says "read me in one sitting!" (Seriously, I had to break it into two parts.)

Story Line (3) - It was fine. I don't know how this ended up on my TBR, honestly. It did. And maybe I should've second guessed myself, or maybe I did and I didn't listen. This was just not something I would ever read again. I think it's fine for other people who like this sort of thing, but, it wasn't for me. If you don't like trains, or model towns, or building... or counting. This might not be for you.

Cover Art & Title (10) - Both of these were perfect for the book. Yeah, finally... something's perfect. But when you remove these two items, the book goes from 3.72 stars to 3.36 stars... that's not a compliment to anything else the author did.