A review by jusstread
Fake It by Brisa Starr


Harper needs a job urgently, and as result of her desperation she lies about something really important. She goes to an interview where she would get everything she desires, a job with a wonderful environment, coworkers that value her skills, but especially her handsome boss, who is willing to spend a lot of time with her, getting Harper out of her comfort zone.

Since the beginning of the story I felt connected with Harper, we have the same professional passion and I do the same thing she does to relax. I did not have any idea of what to expect, romance is not a genre that I read often, it happens once in a while, but I was looking for something light, easy to follow in the few minutes I have free at work. I found all those aspects here, is really entertaining and funny, it made me forget all that was happening around me, I was completely absorbed by Harper and Ethan.

It is not a book that is going to change my life, it is not a complex plot, but it was what I needed. With the author’s writing style I could not stop reading, I read 80% of the book in one day, Ethan and Harper’s love story is enchanting, everything felt so cozy and exciting. Also there were some pretty hot moments. I loved them.

This is the first book of the Young brother’s serie, I willing to read the other 2 books, because those brothers besides being hot, they are awesome, and I hope to get to know a little bit more about the characters in this first book, like Sparrow, Harper’s sister, she is witty.

One thing that I noticed is that there is kind of an instalove, I could understand they were attracted to each other immediately because that happens, but I felt like it was too early to be in love. Additionally, Ethan's past story felt unbelievable to me, not specifically what happened but the other things he mentioned about the way he feels about women and what he had stopped doing. Also, I felt that the way Ethan felt disappeared so quick.

I had a good time reading this, it made me feel better and I forgot my worries for a while, so I consider this is a pretty good recommendation for those days when you do not want to think, when you are looking to be chill and have little fun.