A review by authorheatherw
Compulsive by Sommer Stein, Lia Fairchild


This was a really, really good book. I was drawn in by the concept, but stayed for the writing. The author took me on an incredible emotional journey with Gray and Daniel and Compulsive will definitely stay with me for a long time.

Gray is unlike most romance heroines. She’s a compulsive liar and has been forced to undergo therapy because of her issues. Despite her constant lying, she’s funny and vivacious and easy for readers to connect with. She knows that she’s her own worst enemy and I could tell early on she wanted help.

Daniel and Gray have a very intense relationship from the get go. I liked the restraint he showed and how he struggled to remain professional in order to help Gray. They develop a mutual trust and I enjoyed seeing how Gray started to realize that there was hope for her after all. Her admissions about her childhood were truly heart wrenching. And I was shocked to find out that Daniel also had stuff to deal with from his past.

The ending was a bit cliffy, but I’m excited to read more about Gray and Daniel. I feel like the first book just touched on the start of their journey.

Rating: 4.5/5 Stars

Thanks to the publisher for a copy of the novel for review!