A review by purstiltski
Winter Town by Stephen Emond


I really liked the writing in this (which surprised me), as well as how relatable it was in many parts.

I found the pessimist in me really hoping this wouldn't be a "and then they ended up together happy happy happyhappyhappy" sort of book. In some ways, it wasn't. However, in the biggest and most easy to spot way, it was. Lucy and Evan end up with a "second chance" to be together.

I wish this book ended on page 302 with, basically, "She knew she had a lot of choices to make. She was terrified." After that, as long as the author doesn't tell me, I'm fine if they end up together. I want something that ends where I am, though. Not with "and it was all okay!" but with "I'm afraid that it might not be okay."

There are a few bits at the end of the book that resonated with me (although, as stated, it's all-around relatable).

"Lucy wondered what she could change. Her problem was she didn't really believe it was possible. In her head she did, in her head she knew she had choices, but it was this gut feeling, this thing deep, deep inside her, in her heart and in her flesh, that just knew it would all turn to shit."

"...it wasn't a eureka moment, just a gut feeling that walked with him, that went against every thought he had, but it was an exciting feeling that he couldn't ignore."