A review by theangrylawngnome
New Dead: A Zombie Anthology by Christopher Golden


Pretty good stuff, but I'm afraid the stories all started to bleed together (yuk, yuk) probably due to the fact that I read this one cover to cover in two sittings. If GR allowed half-stars I'd probably make this one a 3 1/2, apropos of nothing, but somehow I can't bring myself to make this one a four. Sometimes I agonize over the silliest things, I guess.

Joe Hill's twitterized story was a unique twist, and Bissette's was interesting if a bit confusing. Tad Williams looked at things from an angle I'd never considered before. Unfortunately, more than one story used the eeevull and/or ignorant military industrial complex as the plot device to get things rolling, which if it is not quite a cliche yet, is certainly getting there.

Hell, I'll even make an admission of guilt over Lansdale's story: darned if I could see where there were actually any, as in zombies, but I was too lazy to re-read it to figure out what I missed. I guess there's a little bit of a Harriet Klausner type beast in me somewhere, one I am too cowardly to ever confront.