A review by sarahs_bookish_life
Deadly Focus by R.C. Bridgestock


Deadly Focus is the first book in the D I Dylan series.

I love a good crime book and read plenty of them, so it always takes me by surprise when crimes in one book will affect me a lot more than in others. Reading of someone going around killing innocent and unsuspecting children really got to me. I have to admit that some parts made for uncomfortable reading as well as making me quite emotional.
What I loved about Jack Dylan as well as his colleague Dawn is that they care, and I mean really care. Even though they have been doing the job for quite a while, it has hardened them of course but not enough to not get emotional when they are faced with such sad and pointless losses. The way they deal with the children's families I also thought was great as they came across as being very supportive and caring and it was great to read that in a crime novel.
Jack I have to admit to not knowing quite how I felt about him at first. Out of work he is like a love sick teenager whilst at work he is this very strong confident man who takes no rubbish from anyone. It did take some getting used to but I really warmed to him, especially the relationship he has with his colleague Dawn.

Dawn I really loved and think she is a great character. She is likened to Dawn French in the story and I totally agree.She obviously has a big heart and you can see the job is taking it's toll on her at times. I love the banter she has with Jack, anyone else probably wouldn't get away with it but Jack obviously thinks a lot of Dawn and lets her get away with that little bit more than any of the others, though I very much doubt that anyone else would even dare to joke around with him as he is someone you would not want to upset.

Deadly Focus has some strong and likeable characters as well as a gripping storyline that will have the reader flying through the pages. Great start to a series.

Many thanks to the authors for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.