A review by krep___
Loitering with Intent by Muriel Spark


One more writer writing a book about a writer writing a book. I think that should be its own genre, so that such books can display the proper warning tags. Self-serving? Ya think? How many movies would you want to see that about making movies? One or two maybe? This one, besides the creativity demerits for the writer-thing, was almost plot-less to boot. Dull. Lame. At one point the protagonist, who's been hired to ghost write autobiographies for a group of inconsequential snobs, points out that biography necessarily includes the dull bits of people's lives. I couldn't tell if that was the author's way of apologizing for how dull her story was or if she was having a laugh at my expense. I won't bother pointing out character relationships and plot devices that challenged credulity. The strongest point in its favor: it is short. Readers who like this book would also like the similar "The Children's Book" by A. S. Byatt which even duller and has the added benefit of being four times as long.