A review by seluniteloki
Qualify by Vera Nazarian


I love the premise of this book, and I'll probably end up seeing out the rest of the series at some point, but there were just too many plot holes and scientific inaccuracies for me to score any higher than a three.

A few examples:
The asteroid is due to hit in 19 months. They've known about it for 3 months, and somehow they know down to the minute when it will hit. We simply don't have the means to predict asteroids with that much precision.
The asteroid is apparently too dense to change it's course. Too dense. IT'S IN SPACE. Density has absolutely zero bearing because there is no gravity!
When in the tunnels, they specifically mention that they cannot sing to keep their spirits up because it will intefer with the boards. And yet as George is flying off on his board at the end, they have a big ol' family sing song.
And finally, it's not the Buckingham Palace. It's just Buckingham Palace. No 'the'! (Okay that last one is the tiniest nitpickingy thing, but still!)