A review by pewterwolf
Beating About the Bush by M.C. Beaton



***eProof gifted by UK publisher via NetGalley in exchange for honest review/reaction, but I listened to the audiobook via library's audiobook app***

My first Agatha Raisin was [b:Down the Hatch|57669906|Down the Hatch (Agatha Raisin #32)|M.C. Beaton|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1617911971l/57669906._SY75_.jpg|87659550] and, while this was a nice cosy-mystery, it didn't ball me over. I have heard that the characters were a little spiky. Especially the series lead, Agatha, who I knew was a chain-smoker, G&T drinking, hot tempered, spiteful at times and has no filter. But in Down the Hatch, the characters were... well... nice. They were nice and a little soft.

But here... here I felt was more what I was promised and I was much happier to read/audiobook this (the UK audiobook is narrated by Penelope Keith, which was a dream!). Agatha, while a little mellowed compared to her earlier adventures (yes, I'm going to back track the series as I enjoyed myself with these characters), still has no filtered, drinks and smokes too much and is on the lookout for romance. Plus, she surprised everyone with her unknown affections for donkeys - where did that come from!?

Ok, let's touch on the story. Agatha is driving from a possible private detective job, looking into shrubs by the side of the road and goes "Nice place to dump a body". Only to find a severed leg in said bush. Yes, it's fake, but there's something unnerving about it. And, not long after Agatha takes said job and wonders why someone who dump a fake leg, a murder takes place and elderly Mrs. Dunwiddy is murdered - by a donkey?

Agatha's doesn't believe that. There's something shady going on at the factory who's hired her. Something very shady. And she's not careful, she might not hear the news of her friend and sometimes lover...

This was fun. I enjoyed myself with this and the fact this was a cosy murder mystery with a lead that doesn't exactly fit the cosy murder mystery lead is quite refreshing.

I can't really write more than this was fun. It was outlandish, funny and I do think I'm going to visit one of Agatha's earlier adventures. Not sure which one yet...