A review by urlphantomhive
Destruction by Sharon Bayliss



Read all my reviews on http://urlphantomhive.booklikes.com

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, thank you!

After eleven years David receives a call, the children he had with his girlfriend-on-the-side-for-seven-years are found and since their mother is dead, he takes custody. Bringing two new children to his 'actual' family is even the weirdest part. They have suffered from terrible abuse claim to be dark wizards, a tale David believes they've created to cope with the abuse. But then he learns the truth. Everyone around him - himself included - is a dark wizard.

Being a dark wizard doesn't necessarily make you bad, but destruction is your main trait. And for quite some time in this novel, shattered glass is about all the magic you will get. In the beginning I had some troubles to really get into the story because I kept waiting for something to happen. But this isn't a story with a murder to solve nor is there an epic quest of some sort. This is a novel about David and his family, trying to live with the new knowledge of being wizards, in a world where the use magic isn't always helping you, and things can backfire quite badly. I don't think this is a book for everyone, but once I got that, I didn't mind at all and really enjoyed the rest of the story.

It would have been nice to see some more world building, and to know some more rules of the use of magic. So far. limitations aren't really known, and the exact differences between the good, the bad (and the ugly :P) witches haven't really been explained properly. Which would be understandable given the fact they are all extremely rare and hard to find as they try to mix in with the Mundane (or the normal people), but everyone in this book is. Not only David and his wife and children, also his girlfriend-on-the-side-for-seven-years, his brother, parents, brother-in-law and his wife, and almost all other characters are wizards. And all this in the extremely magical setting of: Texas.

So, if you don't mind a slow story where magic isn't always helping the main characters, try this book. It's the first in the new December-people series (Months are given to each wizard to decide just how dark they are, December is pretty bad though) and I'm planning on reading the sequel as well.