A review by againanew
A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson


This was mostly the short history of everything western science, if you are looking for a discussion of the history of human civilization (think Genghis Khan or ancient Sumeria or Henry VIII) look elsewhere. At times I found myself drifting off during this book, mainly when dead white guy after dead white guy and their specific contributions to the history of science were being discussed. This went on for quite some time, but the author was considerate enough to throw in a funny anecdote every now and then to keep you from setting the book down.

That being said, I did find myself laughing out loud during other parts as well as learning new things. I have a deep appreciation for any book/author that can bring science to the masses in an entertaining way, since that is the only way many will read it. And Bryson does this very well (as to be expected from his other books). Everything from the big bang to human evolution is discussed, and done in a conversational and enjoyable format.