A review by fisk42
Dare to Know by James Kennedy


This book hit on several niches that could have worn thin but didn't. Each time my enjoyment of the book was waning the author adding in a new element that kept me engaged.

If you like:
Science Fiction that is a thin veneer for the author to wax at length over their life's shortcomings.
Random philosophizing.
Science Fictional concepts that are shoehorned in an odd way with a mix of science and philosophy.
A dash of references to the St. Louis area.
And most importantly: Books that go off the rails into the weird.

Then this book might be for you. Otherwise, I wouldn't recommend this book.

One of my favorite BookTok'ers listed this as one of their favorite books of the year. So I read it on a lark and I just so happened to be in the right mood to enjoy all the bullshit that has clearly turned off almost every other reader on Goodreads.