A review by twilliamson
Starfinder Adventure Path #2: Temple of the Twelve by Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Damien Mammoliti, Rob McCreary, John Compton, Jason Keeley


One of the things the Dead Suns campaign does so well so far is setting. Moving to Castrovel for Temple of the Twelve is a stroke of genius, and the world-hopping nature of this first campaign for the young Starfinder RPG is a wonderful way of introducing characters to the setting.

And this book makes great use of that setting. Castrovel is full of marvels and horrors alike, with some extremely terrible monsters and credible threats to players as they traverse dense jungles, with a fitting conclusion that treats players to the seriousness of their adventure. There's real weight, in other words, to the decisions made in the final confrontations.

Simultaneously, Temple of the Twelve provides new opportunities to explore the game's rule system without tipping the scales in favor of the players' adversaries; this second adventure thus feels far more balanced and approachable than the previous adventure in the campaign.

The back matter, too, presents some exciting material. A breakdown of Castrovel is welcome for those who don't have a Pact Worlds setting book (or who purchased the adventure before such a book was printed), and the inclusion of materials on the Cult of the Devourer is helpful for those seeking to bring credible antagonists to a campaign all their own. The new Mystic Connection, too, can make for some great character choices, and the creatures featured in the bestiary section are interesting and worthy of inclusion for campaigns set in Castrovel's wilds.

All-in-all, Temple of the Twelve is a fantastic adventure, and provided a ton of fun for me and my group. It's a great resource beyond its story, and it's one of my favorite books thus collected.