A review by readlovereviewblog
Mated Girl by Leia Stone


This book concludes this epic story, and I can't wait to see what happens. But make sure you read this series in order. I love how the author included a changed map since the wars.

Demi had just come back from the dark forest, and this book picks up where the last left off. Sawyer is being held in a magical prison. So she leaves with sage, her companion and best friend, to go find Sawyer. The action ramps up quick in this book.

I love that author included other species as part of her and sawyers' pack. I also love the inclusion of the old-world magic dragon that was so awesome to read about. I can't wait to see where this story goes.

This story gets better as it progresses, so many things to solve for our characters. I love the solutions they come up with. The ending of this book is fabulous and brings you back to the Sawyer and Demi we know and love.

Demi is a true heroine taking charge and solving issues on her own. I love how much her character has progressed and how the reflection back doesn't cause her to stumble or fret but find more strength. Sawyer is supportive, possessive, and so sweet. This story was excellent, and I loved every minute of every book in this series.