A review by salama_assata
The Future We Want: Radical Ideas for the New Century by Sarah Leonard, Bhaskar Sunkara


I think this is an okay reading for a beginner interested in movements and movement history. There were some interesting ideas discussed in chapters such as "Working for the Weekend," "The Cure for Bad Science," and "Finding the Future of Criminal Justice." Others like "After Gay Marriage" felt like they were on the cusp of radical thought by ultimately fell flat.

Overall, I believe calling this collection "radical" is a big stretch. Many essays espouse the benefits of social democracy and use various eastern European countries as examples of socialism "working." This in itself is a red flag for me as social democracy is usually nothing more than capitalism in a nicer coat and countries like Norway and Sweden which tout "social democracy" and a higher standard of living do so off of the backs of Africa and the Global South.

It was not a bad reading, but it was not great and it definitely did not radicalize me.