A review by michellesantiago
Deadly Fear by Cynthia Eden


Cynthia Eden is an author I've been wanting to read for a long time (I have her entire Night Watch series on my shelf but I have yet to read any) and when I saw that Hachette was offering the first book in her new romantic suspense series for review, I jumped at the chance. Romantic suspense is one of my favorite romance sub-genres and the fact that Deadly Fear is also a reunion story (my favorite plot line!) made me more than excited to read it.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and it's one of those where I wasn't able to guess who the killer until the last few chapters in the book--in most mystery suspense I can guess who the killer is a few chapters in and I am usually right. I really liked the heroine in the story--Monica is smart, tough and a take-charge/in-control type but she also has a vulnerable side and a horrific past that makes you feel for her. We really get to know Monica as Deadly Fear is her story more than anyone else's. Hence, I feel like I didn't get to know the hero, Luke, as much as I did Monica. He was supposed to be a victims expert but I never really got to see that. Monica and Luke are great together though and the connection and chemistry is there. I thought it refreshing that while they each have secret pasts, they are talking about their shared past out loud with each other early on (the second chapter in fact). There is none of that pretending it never happened for so many chapters.

However, my biggest complaint is the use of the "f" word in this book. I'm all for characters using that word and any other cuss words when appropriate and when their character calls for it. In this book, most of the "f" usage was through Luke and when we are reading in his perspective and the cussing thing is just how his character is. I get that. But I thought Luke would've been his cold, rough-talking character just the same without at least a third of those f-words peppered in his speech and thoughts. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The mystery aspect of it is spot on, it has a fantastic heroine and it's a pulse-pounding, suspenseful read. I'm excited to read the next installment of this series.

4.25 out of 5 stars