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To Free the Captives: A Plea for the American Soul by Tracy K. Smith


3.5 Stars

Among the books I’ve read in the social justice domain, I found myself connecting less readily to this one. It is a collection of essays loosely organized around the dichotomy of the Free and the Freed. Some lean more in the direction of historical reflections while others are more memoiristic, but all are connected to Smith’s family and experiences.

I was most engaged by the latter half of the book, especially the chapter “Scenes from a Marriage” and the one to follow, “Sobriety.” The writing in both is more urgent, filled with vulnerable self-examination and the kinds of metaphors poets provide that cause you to sit up and take notice. These two pieces are the best fulfillment of the subtitle of the book: ‘A Plea for the American Soul.” The other chapters didn’t spark the same frisson for me.