A review by carabellacullen
Love, Christmas - Movies You Love by Dani Haviland, Alyssa Bailey, Tamara Ferguson, Taylor Lee, Jen Talty, Ev Bishop, Susan Jean Ricci, Rebecca York, Aileen Fish, Stephanie Queen, Alicia Street, Traci E. Hall, Suzanne Jenkins, Cynthia Cooke, Jacquie Biggar, Rachelle Ayala, Mimi Barbour, Joan Reeves, Katy Walters, Leanne Banks, Donna Fasano, Nancy Radke, Mona Risk, Natalie Ann, Stacy Eaton


Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) by Various Authors

5 Stars!!!!!

When you just want to get lost in romance this is the anthology for you. I love the fact that there
are so many authors and a wide variation of stories. I like the fact that there are so many new authors as well. I know that this is a group of books that I will be able to read again and again.

I would like to highlight my three favorite stories starting with my most favorite A Royal White Christmas by by Leanne Banks. This was such a sweet romance. It is the typical love at first sight that just grabs your heartstrings and has you routing for the girl to get her guy. I like how the author kept the air of mystery surrounding Brice till just near the end.

The instant chemistry between Brice and Holly is endearing. Sometimes the typical mushy romance is just what one needs and this book totally filled that need for me. I really like how the author was able to make Brice make Brice accessible and not your typical royal. I found that the author had a nice writing style and a very creative way of bringing the characters to life. I definitely will be reading this one again and again.

My second favorite was Jingle with my Princess by Mona Risk. This book had quite a complex plot to it. There were parts of the past of the characters that really played a big part to the whole story line. The past between Amy, Paul and Scott really created the people that they had become. I like that Scott really gets to get through his hurts of the past.

The chemistry that develops between Scott and Charlene is quite refreshing. The fact that she is the balm that heals his wounds and helps him to come to terms with his past is the best part. The fact that in the end Scott and Paul sort their differences and Paul realizes that there is no reason to be jealous really added a realism to this story. I was really drawn to Charlene's character as I felt I could relate to her in some ways. I like how she was able to see through Scott's faults and checked the facts before she threw away her chance with Scott. She was able to see that Amy although her sister in law had a flawed view and by taking a look from the outside she saw that in fact Scott was misunderstood and I was ever so glad when she gave him a chance. I will definitely be reading this book again and again as well.

My third favorite was Her Mr. Miracle by Donna Fasano. This is another one of those you can't always be prepared for the love bug stories. I like how the author is able to bring the characters to life. I really got into this story as if it was happening to me.

The complexity between Ronnie and Adam is quite refreshing. She has her complex life she is trying to escape from and he has his own problems to deal with. It's a two peas in a pod sentiment. They are totally made for one another. I like how the author brings in just enough drama to the story line . There is a point just at the end where I was just banging my head cause you knew that Adam would make things more complex than they should have been and I could feel my heart drop as I am sure Ronnie's would have. Then getting to near the end when in typical guy fashion he almost makes a complete mess of it all but alas the day is saved. I know that again this is another
book I will read again and again.

There were so many books in this collection and I know that I will enjoy them all again and again. This is the perfect set for the cold long nights ahead not just for Christmas. I am so glad that this has many new authors for me and that it is a varied collection of story themes. This is a definite must read!