A review by rachelshattuck
This is What it Feels Like to Exist by Tara Betts


This Is What It Feels Like To Exist by The Students of @826chi Teen Writers Studio 3.9/5 ⭐️ - Believe it or not, I did find some time to read while I was on vacation! This was my first 826 book, which is a collection of poems, short stories, fiction and nonfiction by young people in Chicago. @826national is a network of nonprofits across the country that provide creative writing workshops, publishing opportunities, tutoring, and other programs aimed at strengthening the individual’s power to express their ideas effectively, creatively, confidently, and in their individual voice by providing them a safe space to be their most creative selves. I found this collection to be a mixed bag. My favorite pieces were by Jaileen R., Daniela M., and Kyla P. Despite some really good works, I felt this collection overall to be light on meaningful content, when I know Chicago’s youth have more to offer. I think the title over-promised, and I’m hoping my next 826 book doesn’t miss the mark. #rachels2019readinglist