A review by readbyashleyd
A Haunt of Travels by A. W. Mason


This collection of stories right here kept me up WAY too late at night because I just couldn’t stop reading once I started. Each story completely drew me in and some even had me cringing and squeezing my eyes shut because I was so thoroughly disturbed. In the best way possible of course! I’m usually not a huge fan of short story collections but this one just knocks it right out of the park. There’s not a single story I didn’t enjoy and the thought of trying to pick a favourite is agonizing because they’re all so good but if I was forced to pick, I’d go with The Shack. That story just full on creeped the hell out of me! Do yourself a favour and pick up this collection, it’s one of the best horror novels I’ve read all year and I promise you won’t regret it!