A review by amybraunauthor
Huntress by Caitlin Kittredge, Marjorie Liu, Christine Warren, Jenna Maclaine


This was a fun, easy read for escapism. The first and last stories were my favourites, and while the stories in between them were in no way bad, they simply weren't to my taste. The writing style for both was great, yet I simply wasn't compelled by the story or was a little confused about what was happening.

So, focusing on the stories I did enjoy, both were different, but both had fun female heroes, romance, and adventure. Given the length of the stories, there were some pacing issues, which I understand, and I would have loved to see the story expanded a little bit more. Of all four stories, the final one with Cin Craven was my favourite. I really liked Cin and am interesting in seeing more of her world.

All in all, I recommend this book looking for some fun, light reading for urban fantasy/paranormal romance fans, even if these authors aren't currently on your radar.