A review by katykelly
Good Me, Bad Me by Ali Land


I kept thinking of Rose West... a shocking, dark psychological chiller. Unusual teenage protagonist too.

The premise is simple, but effective - a female serial killer is shopped by her own teenage daughter. My my, eyebrows raise - I did imagine if Rose and Fred West's child had been more involved with their activities, this could have been her story.

Annie has finally decided to go to the police, her mother is arrested, she is placed in a foster home with a psychologist, his wife, and their teenage daughter while she awaits the trial date at which she will be witness.

Land lets us a little way into Annie's mind, now called Milly. We see the effect her upbringing has had - the guilt she feels, the love she cannot help but feel, the strain of trying to live a life of school and family while remembering hideous events and dreading being in the same room as her mother again at her trial.

Milly/Annie is a nicely created character - she tells us her story, we know her feelings, she's been manipulated and abused her entire life, and is still only a teenager herself. So when her foster sister is less than friendly, and she sees for herself that a 'normal' family can have its own secrets, we just hope she'll get through the trial and every school day.

Her foster sister is truly nasty at times, a Queen Bee that I found hard to believe everyone would so blindly follow. There are two young characters I wanted to see more of - one local girl, herself not well cared for, who becomes a friend and confidante of sorts of Milly's, and the only human-seeming boy at Milly's school, who stands up for her.

Lord of the Flies is referenced throughout the book, the play Milly's school is putting on, and while I didn't see the similarities at first, it was quite aptly placed in the story and well chosen.

The story takes us through Milly's mother's trial, and while her crimes are described, there are very few graphic scenes of her murders and abuse, it never becomes truly uncomfortable and upsetting, though the subject itself is bound to strike a nerve (and a mother and pregnant woman, I certainly didn't find it 'enjoyable' reading).

Very interesting subject and choice of narrator, the few twists may surprise, it does keep you wanting to find out how it will all end, and Milly's character develops nicely for the reader as her past and present are both illuminated.

With such a sensitive subject (and a couple of strong sexual scenes), I would say this is for ages 14 and above.

With thanks to Netgalley for for advance copy, sent for review purposes.