A review by nclcaitlin
The Coordinate by Marc Jacobs


A school history project between two old friends turns into a competition spanning the globe as Logan and Emma work out an ancient mystery that has baffled scientists and archeologists for years. 
Maybe like a Da Vinci Code for younger readers? 

This was not for me.

I cannot believe two teenagers managed to solve this issue that the smartest geniuses, services, intelligences have been trying to crack for years haven’t? I know ‘suspension of belief’ and all that, but this took that a little too far. 

I think Jacobs just wanted to show off how he excelled at Excel (yep I did that). And his knowledge of other languages where Emma just kept spouting Italian with no actual translation most of the time. 
Sadly, there were just too many numbers and coordinates and letters for my attention not to wander when listening to the audiobook. 

At least it was free.