A review by eveyv
Surrender by Pamela Clare


2,5 Highlander stars

Rapey scenes. What's up with rapey scenes lately? I don't like 'em, and to be honest they make me feel quite uncomfortable most of times. Add insta-love, a Mary Sue and a Gary Stu and then I'm done. Don't get me wrong, I love historical fiction and I know these elements may appear, and I can take them. But there's a limit, and when everything a character does is perfect (and what he/she looks like is perfect, what he/she says is perfect, etc), then I will certainly be annoyed. I need some flaws. Clear flaws, admitted by the characters (being the one possessing such flaw or another character that notices it). I hadn't that in this book, and that's why I'm a tad disappointed. Not to mention the fact that the plot line and twists were too predictable.