A review by anelson82
Silver Hollow by Jennifer Silverwood


*I received this book free as an ARC*

Wow. This was, something. I am not completely sure what I just read, but I couldn't put it down as I tried to figure it out. This story was so fantastical, with so much going on and so many different creatures and characters. Thank the Creator for the glossary in the back of the book. As others were, I was torn between which love interest I wanted to root for with Amie. They each had their plusses and minuses in my book. But, the overall purpose and the majority of the book was not spent on romance. This book focused on Amie, who was thrust into a dreamlike world that appeared to be lost in time, without age and innovation, as she worked to uncover her true identity and the truth behind her uncle's estate. At many points in the story, different people told her to trust noone, and seriously, they weren't kidding. Some good ended up being bad and vice versa. I was thrown a lot. For the most part I liked the heroine, Amie. The girl had some moxie. However, it bothered me how she would ask a question that would go unanswered, or someone would make a comment that was so strange and she would stow it away for further thought later rather than demand an explanation at that point. Ugh, it drove me nuts! Of course the purpose is to let us find out in due time what was going on, but still...I felt Amie could have been more demanding. Otherwise, she was a good heroine, and overall this was a very good story. Definitely a keeper!