A review by bmweakley
A Touch of Chaos by Scarlett St. Clair


I’ve liked this series and was excited to read the final book, but was honestly pretty disappointed. The book felt very drawn out in the beginning and rushed in the end. Overall, I’m disappointed that the series ended like this and feels so rushed and low quality compared to the previous books. 

Most importantly, I don’t understand why the author felt the need to describe sexual assault, both the act and the desire to, in several different instances. The trigger warning was there, but I cannot comprehend what it added to the story. It isn’t like the author
delved into Ariadnes grieving after such a horror like she did when Persephone was attacked. At least with Persephones, it was for character growth. Ariadnes was cruel and unnecessary to detail, especially since it had been previously implied that he’d assault her if he got the chance.

Besides that, the book had such a weird plot pace. A lot of things were left unclear after
the final battle where Persephone defeated Cronos
. There were also weird things added in for no real plot purpose, and seemed to only serve the purpose of adding drama (like when
Persephone watched Hades die, but then he hadn’t actually and it was just Cronos’ magic. Plus she talked about stressing over who would die because of the life she took, but then that was never looped back to??
) The rapid changes of POV was unnecessary and made it hard to get rooted into one persons POV. The conclusion was very quick and sudden, and I’m left feeling like it ended partway through the story. The wrong name was also used a couple of different times (typo?) making the story kind of confusing at points. Also, there was never any clarification on why
Persephone and Hades were able to have sex with each other in their dreams (??) while Hades was in the labyrinth
. Is that power they have or like what was that?? I got the special edition with a chapter from Hermes’ POV and it was… not what I expected? It wasn’t printed in the book, it was a QR code that took you to a digital copy. It was also an old chapter from book 3, which is fine, but seemed weird to loop back to after the ending. It also barely felt like it was from Hermes’ POV. There was a some new dialogue, but very little thought from Hermes and I feel like it gave me nothing that hearing his dialogue in the previous books didn’t give me. At least Hades POV showed what he’d been up to behind the scenes and explained his thoughts and feelings before Persephone could interpret them.  The Hermes POV just felt… unedited? And like the author wrote it super quick just to have something to sell a special edition of the book, which is disappointing. 

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