A review by adamskiboy528491
Tamarind & the Star of Ishta by Jasbinder Bilan


[b:Tamarind & the Star of Ishta|54579625|Tamarind & the Star of Ishta|Jasbinder Bilan|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1595084830l/54579625._SX50_.jpg|85157814] by [a:Jasbinder Bilan|18386515|Jasbinder Bilan|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/f_50x66-6a03a5c12233c941481992b82eea8d23.png] is one immersive story full of vivid imagery and hidden messages that any young reader would be fully invested in its writing style.

When our titular protagonist, Tamarind, goes back to India to visit her late mother's side of the family, she goes back to her ancestral home & family to find some answers. As Tamarind steps into a magical garden, she is guided towards the secret presence of a mysterious girl called Ishta. But who exactly is Ishta, and why does she keep disappearing? Tamarind must follow a golden monkey, a glowing ring, and unlock the hearts of her loved ones to find the truth.

I loved the setting and the atmosphere - there was a right mix of adventure and family conflict and love. The story is magical & enchanting (even the slick design of the cover matches the account inside) and contains themes of culture, grief & family which can be hard-hitting. The short chapters make this book a real page-turner & it's a right candidate for almost reading it in one sitting (which I didn't want to because I didn't want it to end) & each chapter has its development and talking point.

The story and the setting are truly intoxicating magical and enthralling meander through a garden & wilderness thronging with personal & mythical history for any fascinating bookworm child out there.