A review by leahegood
Washed and Waiting: Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality by Wesley Hill


I often struggle with how to shape my response to people with a homosexual orientation. Since it's not something I have needed to confront in a practical way on a daily basis, I typically shove it to a corner of my brain and move on with life. But this book has been on my mental to-read-list for a while and finally jumped to the top.

When I noticed this book last year, it immediately stood out to me. In my sporadic efforts to deepen my perspective on the subject, I'd come to two conclusions. 1) I couldn't accept the popular idea that there's nothing wrong with homosexuality and Biblical teachings on the topic are not culturally relevant, and 2) I wasn't comfortably with the large on theology but short on compassion approach taken by many Christians with a more traditional perspective. A book like [b:Washed and Waiting|7994726|Washed and Waiting Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality|Wesley Hill|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1327998086l/7994726._SX50_.jpg|12489002] seemed like it would give a new and unique perspective on the subject.

Hearing a defense of sexual relations only in the context of a traditional, heterosexual relationship from the perspective of a man with a homosexual orientation definitely offered a unique look at the subject. It also offered a deeply compassionate view a gay persons struggles.

I really appreciate the author's ability to write this book with a solid defense of a traditional Biblical interpretation of marriage while simultaneously calling for, asking for, fighting for all the depth of love and compassion the people of God can possibly offer to someone with homosexual desires.

This book gave me a lot to think about and ponder, and I'd definitely recommend it to other Christian's who aren't satisfied with recognizing the problem without seeking an option for compassion as well.