A review by mdlyn_reads
Morning Pages by Kate Feiffer

Did not finish book. Stopped at 5%.
I initially requested this book because I thought the premise was interesting and novel, having heard about Morning Pages on social media. I quickly realised when I started the book that it wasn’t for me and stopped reading it early on.

I felt that it began in a confusing way, the journal entries felt a little chaotic (which I appreciate reflects the stream of consciousness) which I did not find it as interesting to read as I thought I would, nor was I invested in reading more. It felt like more work for me to try and unravel the and pick out the important parts from the parts of the entries, so I stopped reading. 

I think this would be a great read for someone in a creative profession that is curious about the inner world of a writer or might like the idea of sifting through someone’s journal. Perhaps more for someone reflective that likes to ponder rather than someone looking for a quick read. 

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for early access to this book!