A review by haniah__x
We Are Not Free by Traci Chee


That cover is gorgeous though. And the back!

We Are Not Free truly enlightened me of a horribly hushed up side of the war that I hadn't even heard of before - when over 100,000 people of Japanese ancestry were removed from their homes and forced into incarceration camps. Their own country had imprisoned them.

So to Traci Chee, I am incredibly grateful because the best books always teach you something.

Here are some quotes I think best sum up this book:

"Why won't they just call this what it is? Why does everyone keep lying?
They said we were citizens. They said we were "dangerous". They said it was an "evacuation" and a "migration", not an incarceration.
They said the camps were full of opportunity.
They said they weren't violating our rights."

"If I go to war for America, if I kill for America, if I support an America that doesn't support me, am I supporting my oppressors? Am I killing their enemies so they can later kill me?"

"We could do everything right, and they’d still think we were dangerous."

"I'm not guilty of anything but being born with this face."

"Tyranny is locking us up. Tyranny is taking our freedom. Tyranny is right here. Tyranny is American."