A review by divapitbull
Dark Needs at Night's Edge by Kresley Cole


The 4 Wroth brothers are reunited after 3 centuries. Nikolai, Murdoch and Sebastian come together to attempt to save their insane, fallen vampire brother Conrad. As things work in the IAD world, what will save Conrad (if anything can in his current state) is finding his fated Bride. Luckily for Conrad the brothers are in good with the Valkyries, Nucking Futs Nix, soothsayer extraordinaire in particular; and she set them on course to plop Conrad smack in the middle of fate.

The love story between Conrad and Neomi was lacking something in my opinion. I really do enjoy the "love - hate" trope and there wasn't so much of that dynamic between them. There were a few misunderstandings where Conrad tipped back over into completely insane and said some things he didn't mean in a blind rage; but overall the main tension between the couple was the fact that Neomi was a ghost.

Mari and Bowen played a bit part in the story and it was fun to catch up with them and see how Bowen was adjusting to marriage to a VERY powerful witch. Nix had some dealings with the rage demons Cade and Rydstrom, which seemed primarily to serve as a vehicle for setting up future IAD installments. I would have liked to have seen more involvement of the entire cast of characters.

Overall I liked it, but it didn't quite have the pizzazz of some of the earlier books.