A review by slowreadersclub
These Violent Delights by Victoria Namkung


“Don't you find it interesting that these types of crimes against women - whether it's violence, sexual assault, rape - are the only kinds where we force the victim to make a case of their own innocence before even investigating?”

These Violent Delights by Victoria Namkung is a novel about three women who team up with a journalist to seek justice for the inappropriate relationships they were lured into by their high school English teacher when they were just 15 years old.

Namkung has done a great job of respectfully exploring this extremely sensitive topic, not only looking at sexual assault and rape, but also of the blame culture that surrounds these issues. Whilst the subject matter within this book is extremely important, and seems to be very well researched, I found the first two-thirds to be slightly underwhelming. That’s not to say that I didn’t enjoy the novel, because I really did. I just thought that the characters and their relationships could have been explored a bit more in-depth, as at times some of the characters felt somewhat superficial. But what really made this novel enjoyable for me was Sasha’s narrative and her struggle to cope in adult life because of what had happened to her as a child.

Overall, I think that this is such an important novel because of what it explores, and whilst not everything about the writing and character development was to my particular taste, I would definitely recommend it.

[Note - this book deals with difficult topics including rape.]

I was give a free copy by Netgalley for reviewing purposes in exchange for my honest review.