A review by sjj169
Arkham Asylum: Madness by Sam Kieth


I think this is my favorite book with the Joker in it ever. Batman will have to get over it for a few since he didn't show up for work the day this book was made. That slacker.

This is the story of a nurse's workday at the Arkham Asylum. She starts the day with her husband and son driving her to work. She tells her son what a wonderful work place she has and how all the inmates there should be shown forgiveness and caring feelings. Uh yeah.
Once there after gossiping with her co-worker..she admits how really bad it is.

The place is full of the bad guys that Batman has put away.

And of course..my favorite baddie of all.

So what has the Joker been up too since being committed?
He has taken up arts and crafts!

Including a former guards leg. It's a work of art people! Back off the man.

Plus, he has taken up watching Antiques Roadshow.

Hey, he is the good one for awhile here. Just don't mess with his collectibles.
There is all kinds of freaky deaky going on at the Asylum. Including hooking up for some nooky in some of the rooms.

....and it all boils down to not screwing with the mom. Joker..you should know better.

This book is dark and fun. Go read it.
Hulk-boy made me do it.