A review by bek67
Coming of Age in Mississippi: The Classic Autobiography of a Young Black Girl in the Rural South by Anne Moody

Did not finish book. Stopped at 77%.
This is absolutely a story that needs to be told and needs to be heard. But I could not connect with the author and I tried. I really tried. With all the horrible things that were endured, there was never a sense of the emotion experienced with it. I felt like I was reading a news article or listening to a newscast. There was never any emotion connected to what I read. Three weeks in and I still was only 77% through. This book is a little over 400 pages. If I'm interested, I can finish a book this size in 3-5 days! I honestly was not concerned that it was due back at the library and I was close to finishing but not quite there. I think the author was an amazing woman, a trailblazer. Maybe I need to try a different type of book. A biography perhaps. I am interested in Anne Moody, but this book did not do it for me.