A review by emmaraeempowered
The Fox Wife by Yangsze Choo

adventurous mysterious slow-paced


The Fox Wife was a very well paced fantasy/mystery. I loved the chosen povs for this story, we have the pov of a woman who is a fox tracking down someone for the purposes of revenge. And the pov of an older detective with a particular gift that makes detective work quite easy for him. What's the mystery he is tracking?...hmm, guess you'll have to read and find out. But let’s s just say it goes deeper than he thought. 
This is a story that would get me excited to wake up and read and I would read at night until I fell asleep. I loved how much fox lore I learned and I enjoyed how many characters had different opinions about foxes. Some loved and worshipped, some despised and outwardly spoke about their despise of them. Others were leery and just tried to keep a safe distance. 
Choo's writing felt so vivid and lifelike. I was hanging onto every word and every page. If you're someone who visualizes things while reading you will get a very detailed painting of every setting and every description in this book.