A review by mehsi
Catboy by Benji Nate


I can honestly say I am disappointed. I have been looking forward to reading this for a long time. Finally have a chance, and this was underwhelming. Given the blurb I had thought this would be a cute book about a girl and her cat who turned big and can talk/do human stuff and them connecting. Instead I wasn't too big of a fan of either character, especially the cat-thing was just aggravating. I was thinking that since he became what he did he would be less cat, instead throughout the book (and the seemingly months that pass) the cat still doesn't seem to grasp basic human stuff (still murders everything small, pees in a litterbox, scratches coaches, cannot eat or drink anything other than sardines and pizza and water) though one thing he does best is getting money.
Also I wondered how Olive ever managed to have a freaking apartment. She barely can pay rent, she only has a bed in her house. Which just weirded me out. She is what? 18? 21? Old enough to at least do something.
The one thing I loved was the art and the fashion parts in between all the slice of life comics. That is why I am rating it 2 stars.