A review by margeryk101
Affluenza by Oliver James


Read this book.

Been waiting to read this book for a couple of months after requesting it from the library. Was initially inspired to read it by Radio 4's 'Book Club' and dallied with the idea of buying it, but after reading the blurb in a bookshop, I decided borrowing it would be the most authentic option. After all that, I saw it in a charity shop in Forest Hill for £1 and had to get it.

What a refreshing read. James argues that there are three traits that make someone immune to the emotional distress brought about by Selfish Capitalism, and these are; vivacity, authenticity and playfulness. It also helps if you live in a non-English speaking world.

Buy what you need rather than what you want. Enjoy motherhood and spend time with small children. Try to do activities which give you 'flow'.

It finishes with an imaginative chapter with some brave ideas. The one I liked best was the idea to nationalise estate agents.

Oliver James is my new hero.