A review by turophile
The English Witch by Loretta Chase


Loretta Chase is known for writing historical romances with brainy heroines who defy societal conventions and rakish heroes who underneath there charm possess a heart of gold along with elegant dialogue and an engaging storyline. In the English Witch, she doesn’t disappoint.

Our heroine Alexandra has been dragged through Albania by her father who cares more for investigating antiquities than engaging with humans, including his daughter. As they travel, Alexandra bewitches the men in every village with her beauty and insousciant personality, which leads the women to call her the English witch.

He’s insisting that his daughter marry Randolph, the son of a wealthy merchant, so that the merchant will forgive his debts. In desperation, she writes her godmother begging for salvation from the arranged marriage. Aunt Clem sends Basil Tevelyans, one of England’s most notorious rakes, to rescue her. If he were alive today, Basil would be a “fixer.” He’s overcome his lack of fortune (and added debt) through his skill at resolving other people’s problems in ways that escape notice. He arrives in Albania in the nick of time as Alexandra has been kidnapped by another suitor who refuses to believe that she loves her betrothed “Randolph.”

The action moves to England and one of those estate parties that lasts several weeks. Alexandra has caught the eye of Lord Arden, soon to be Duke, and a frenemy of Basil. Arden decides he must marry Alexandra (though that won’t mean giving up his twins on the side who reside in London). Alexandra finds herself caught between suitors, Basil, and her father.

The romance is charming and a quick read. There’s a not a lot of action - it’s more about the verbal and intellectual gamesmanship between Basil and Alexandra, but that’s okay. Delicious.

So hard to rate this one - enjoyable and Loretta Chase stands head and shoulders above so many romance authors. The rating is closer than a 3.5, but I couldn't quite give it a 4 in light of her other books. (all rated on my 5 star romance scale)