A review by raven168
Alien Captive by Lee Savino, Golden Angel


I'm a little conflicted with this one. While I really like the premise and oh was it hot, I take issue with the whole brainwashing and body training thing. It annoyed me so very very much that Dawn was "conditioned" to respond to Gavrill and was expected to call him and accept him as her master no matter how he treated her. Only making it worse was his constantly keeping her on a leash. Collars are okay, but the moment you snap that leash on, you're way too close to pet territory for me. Which is also a huge problem for Dawn. She absolutely hated when Gavrill treated her like a dog, but all he had to do was pretty much touch her and she gave in. She almost used the "training" she went thru as an excuse to not fight against things that she did not like.

One day Dawn had received an ereader in the mail with some books pre-loaded on it. She didn't question anything and dove right into the stories. Multiple times. Then one night, the reader starts going wonky and next thing she knows, she's in excruciating pain, then thankfully blackness. She wakes up on an alien ship where she finds out that the books are actually a way for this species to find females that would be receptive to another species that the books were written about. Lucky Dawn, gets to be the first female taken. Using varies methods, this alien conditions Dawn's body to respond the presence of the Tsenturion that she is being given to as tribute. Considering everything, she takes the whole situation quite well.

Gavrill is the high commander of high commander of what remains of his entire race. Their entire planet had been incinerated by an enemy they never even interacted with yet, and only those off planet survived. And since the attack happened during a huge mating ceremony, only men are left. And they have dedicated their lives to destroying those that destroyed them. Until Gavrill is notified that his tribute has arrived. Now he finds himself doing things he never thought he would and constantly fighting his desires.

From the moment Dawn shows up in front of Gavrill, he is obsessed with claiming her over and over. So much so that he is often late for his own shift on the bridge, which causes a lot of anger to build in his second. Pretty much every moment that Gavrill and Dawn are together, they're having sex. It was frustrating when Dawn took issue with how she was being treated or with something that these aliens have greatly misunderstood about humans, but she never said anything about it. Or if she did, she so easily got distracted or let it go. I don't know how or why, but eventually Dawn finds herself in love with Gavrill. But with the way he treats her, she knows for sure that he would never see her as anything other than "his tribute". He wants her for what she is, not who, and it hurts her more than she thought possible. When Gavrill's ship is attacked by the enemy and Dawn kidnapped, Gavrill makes known what is most important to him. But before he can do anything stupid, Dawn makes her way back to him with more information about the enemy than they ever got for themselves. Their relationship has reached the breaking point, and it's in a most cliche way that Dawn learns she has misunderstood Gavrill the whole time.

Admittedly, it could be interesting to see Gavrill's second getting his tribute next considering how vehemently he is against the entire tribute program, but at the same time I feel like he would treat the girl worse than Gavrill did.