A review by emmycd
Alpha. Abidjan-Gare du Nord: Abidjan-Gare du Nord by Bessora


Alpha's wife and child have left the Ivory Coast in a bid to reach Paris where his sister-in-law owns a hair salon. Alpha decides to sell his business and try to reach Paris by illegal means as the bureaucracy involved in applying for a visa is impossible for people like Alpha. We see Alpha through the various stages of his journey.

This story is not a new one and is one which I think is a popular theme in the middle grade graphic novel genre. In fact, this is very very similar to [b:Illegal|35963837|Illegal|Eoin Colfer|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1502203198l/35963837._SY75_.jpg|57522645] which I think was executed much better.

The art is also very bizarre and is not a style I like.