A review by eesh25
Sustained by Emma Chase


The first Emma Chase book I read, Tangled, I loved. I thought I'd found another good romance author. But then Twisted happened and it put me off some much that I got it into my head that the first book may have been a fluke.

Well, I am extremely happy to say that it definitely wasn't a fluke, because this book was even better than Tangled. My faith has been restored.

I loved both Chelsea and Jake and I absolutely adored the kids. They were all so perfect and amazing and hilarious that I don't even have enough words to describe how much I love them.

The story of the book was great and the narrative, as well as the writing, was as well. Especially the narrative though. Emma Chase is great with male perspectives. Her writing is very witty and super funny.

Few examples:

"You've gone way beyond the strong silent type and are approaching selective mutism. What gives?"

"Sorry, Cinderella, but the clock struck twelve. The coach has turned back into a pumpkin and it’s time to collect your glass slipper. I never pretended to be Prince Charming."

Overall, this book was adorable and hilarious and packed an emotion punch that had me blinking back tears. A must read, in my opinion. You really don't want to miss these kids or Jake and Chelsea's story.